The ultra-modern Liferay DXP is one of the best technology platform options available for an organization’s digital transformation. Liferay DXP platform for multiple perspectives – market positioning to begin with but more importantly being better aligned to affect change at all stages of the customer journey, while also enabling partners and employees to interact with customers to influence sentiment and support the relationship.
Successful digital businesses require platforms that are built on solid, reliable IT. The Liferay platform has been improved with features like modular architecture, a more powerful search engine, and better tools for testing and upgrades.
Liferay DXP’s modular architecture gives businesses extensibility unthinkable until now and an elegant development model.Modularity means all features and functionalities are now available in little pieces distributed into enormous modules. While Liferay earlier used to be a single large monolithic application, it now comprises of multiple JARs. Liferay DXP’s new modular architecture empowers businesses to build powerful, adaptable, lightweight and innovative systems for the digital world.
Modern Web Experiences
Web experience features provide support for creating and managing web experiences, including audience targeting for marketing campaigns, content authoring, geolocation and staging tools. Liferay DXP is designed to support omnichannel experiences, including digital touchpoints across web, mobile and connected devices. Create consistent, personalized experiences quickly and easily.
Audience Targeting
It contains advanced segmentation of audiences with new segmentation rules. Visitor segments can be created based on user profile custom fields, user language, IP address, sign up date and last login date. A report builder is available to generate reports for segments and campaigns. Additional reporting capabilities include the ability to view and download the list of users of each segment. Finally, targeted assets can be filtered in the Asset Publisher using advanced filtering settings.
Modern, Fast Site Creation
A creating dynamic and visually stunning sites provides more power to administrators for faster site creation. A latest set of modern themes and site templates available in Liferay. Which build the foundation for quickly creating your websites with modern features.
Simple Content Authoring with Alloy Editor
Liferay’s powerful authoring applications thanks to Alloy Editor is one of project from Liferay and it has provided better way of edit and create web content in Liferay.
It includes the ability to preview source written in HTML as its being typed live, which makes it simple to add new content using only the source code. Alloy Editor uses a context aware toolbar that stays out of the way until it is needed.
Inline Image Editor
The ability to upload a picture, select an uploaded file, and even take a picture or video to add to your content is now easy with Liferay DXP ‘s new media selector. It allows for simple image editing directly from within Liferay, eliminating the need for an external tool while creating content. Easily resize, crop and make colors adjustments to any image uploaded to Documents and Media from within blogs or any other application that uses an item selector. The image editor is easy to customize and allows developers to create and deploy tools that modify images.
Web Content Diffs
Web Content can now compare different versions of content, just as users can in the Wiki portlet. Web Content can also be compared when the content is being processed through a workflow. This makes it easier for the content approver to review the changes before approving them.
Site Content Sharing
Liferay DXP now has the capability to share various content pieces between child and parent sites. As the administrator of a child site, you will be able to use all the structures, templates, categories, application display templates and more from any of your parent sites that allows for it.
Elastic Search
Dynamic, extensible search is built-in. Elasticsearch, the market-leading open source search engine for modern web applications, is the default search engine in Liferay DXP and provides better search monitoring, tuning and scaling. Search capability is extensible using open search, or swapping in a different search engine like Solr.
Improved Collaboration + Document Management
Collaboration in Liferay DXP is supported with improved applications for blogs and social networking, as well as a solid set of tools for forums, message boards and other functionalities.
- Blogs experience– Improvements to the blog experience include the ability to set cover images and more convenient and reliable image uploading and sharing, along with additional features for RSS support, threaded user and guest comments, tags and labels, social bookmarking links, email notifications of blog replies and an entry rating system.
- Social Collaboration Apps– Microblogs, contact center, announcements, ability to invite members and other social collaboration features are now available out-of-the-box through multiple dedicated apps.
- User Mentions– Users can now @mention another user within blogs and comments. Mentioned users will receive a notification that they have been mentioned in that particular asset.
Enterprise-Ready Forms
A brand new application for defining and publishing advanced dynamic forms allows for complex multicolumn layouts and the ability to span several pages. The new application offers more control over form fields, such as the ability to customize fields or hide them with visibility expressions. Forms can be published in any Liferay site simply by dropping the form into a page or providing a URL that links directly to a full page form. An additional feature is the ability to pull in data from an external source (i.e., “Data Providers”). Once the administrator configures the Data Provider, the data can be shared across any form. On the roadmap is the ability to use the Forms API to render the form engine, even for sites that use Liferay Forms alongside another technology.
Exceptional Mobile Experiences
The new suite consists of a collection of existing mobile-enabling software:
Mobile SDK, Liferay Screens and Liferay Push. The updated mobile tools enable you to create applications for collaboration and social, while ensuring that the information on your phone remains completely secure.
New features in Liferay Mobile Experience include:
- .A new set of screenlets for Liferay Screens, including Image Gallery, Blogs,Comments, Ratings, Generic Asset Display, PDF Display, Video Display,Audio Display and Image Display.
- Enterprise security features such as database encryption. All stored data will now been crypted in the phone’s local database.
- Improved support for structured web content in the Web Content Screenlet.
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